Cover Models: Rachel Coates, Gab Pangilinan, Gio Gahol Photographed by: Chi Yu Rodriguez Cover Designed by: Chi Yu Rodriguez Title Art by: Carla de Guzman Styling by: Alex Lapa
AJ Felipe makes the most of being the head information security engineer for a local law firm with the help of her loyal team of nerds. Their job isn’t really the most fun, but things take a turn when one of her junior security engineers decides to nominate her for a makeover show.
Enter Jackie Niño, the one-night stand AJ didn’t expect to meet again—who also happens to be the makeup artist who’s going to get her all dolled up on national television.
More complications arise after the episode is aired and another ghost from her past comes back to haunt her: Axel Herrera, the ex-boyfriend who still thinks she left him because she’s a lesbian.
Spoiler alert: She isn’t.
Being bisexual is hard enough. How will AJ navigate new feelings while finding closure for old heartaches?
(Disclaimer: On-page F/F and M/F only)
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Axel asked one of their drivers to take me home because I was in no shape to drive. I didn’t know how Kuya was going to make his way back, so I asked him to stop at a McDo drive thru near my condo before dropping me off so I could at least buy him some food.
While the car was in line, I pulled out my phone from my purse to ask Jen if she wanted anything. Before I could even start typing, a message from Jackie popped up on the screen.
My knufht in shiming arnour save meeeeee!!~[
After taking a second to reinterpret the jumble of words, I shook my head and laughed. I can be Brienne of Tarth, sure.
“Ma’am?” The driver let me know that it was our turn. I ordered him a cheeseburger meal, handed him some cash, then replied to Jackie.
And where might this damsel in distress be?
Luckily, Jackie was located somewhere in BGC. After getting the food, I asked the driver if we could make a quick stop before heading home.
When we got to the bar, Jackie was accompanied by two of her friends. She had draped herself over one of the outside tables, and they were trying to get her to stand up.
“Are you AJ?” one of her friends asked when I finally got out of the car.
“Yeah. What happened?”
“A lot of cocktails with different types of alcohol,” the other friend said.
“We were going to take her home but she insisted on waiting for you.”
Jackie finally lifted her head from the table and her eyes landed on me. She was a mess. “Oh, heeeeeeey!” she yelled and got up to make her way to me.
She fell right into my arms and I did my best to keep her upright. Axel’s driver appeared beside me, ready to assist if I needed him to.
“You okay to bring her home?” the first friend asked.
“Yeah. Uh, do any of you have a business card so I can text when she’s finally home?”
“Just look for Pamie or KC on her phone. She turns the passcode off when she’s about to get drunk so we can call people for her just in case.”
I planned on revisiting what it meant for her to have a system in place for this already, but for now I asked the driver to open the car door so we could get inside.
After giving directions to Kuya, I focused my attention on Jackie. She was piss drunk and staring at me from where she was pressed against the opposite door.
“Why do you look so fancy?” Her words were slurred as she threw herself over to my side and started fussing over my dress.
“I came from a party.” I checked the rear view mirror when Jackie started getting more handsy. Thankfully, Kuya was keeping his eyes on the road.
“You look so pretty oh my god!” She had grabbed my face and started to inspect. I tried my best not to laugh. “Who did your makeup?”
“I did it myself. Do you approve?”
“You are always approved!”
The next thing I knew, she had attached herself to my side and was breathing warmth into my neck. The ten minutes it took for us to get to her place felt like forever after that.
“Thank you, Kuya.” We’d left Jackie in my car while I booked another car to take the driver back to Axel’s house.
Once he was gone, I began the quest to get Jackie into her apartment without either of us getting injured.
“Why did you have to be biiiiiiiiii?”
I’d hooked one of her arms over my shoulders as we went up the stairs. “Oh I ask myself that sometimes too.” I belatedly thought that I should’ve taken my heels off for this because she was practically dead weight.
“You’d be so perfect if you weren’t bi. Like, I imagine you wearing one of my shirts sometimes, you know? Standing by my bed in the morning. You’d drown in any of my clothes and it’s so cute to think about, my heart hurts.”
My shoulders felt a little sturdier after that, and I smiled my way through the struggle until we got to her door.
“I need to get your keys.” I held her against the wall while I fished for the keys in her purse. But she was making it so difficult with her traveling hands and treacherous lips.
As soon as got the door open, she stumbled her way inside and started to take off her clothes.
“Oh god.” I slammed the door and rushed to steer her away from the furniture. We eventually got to her bed, Jackie significantly more naked than she was six feet ago.
“Can’t you just be full-on gay instead of just halfway gay to make all this easier?”
“That’s—Stop. Doing that. I’m weak!” Jackie was trying to pull me into bed with her, kissing my neck and attempting to lift the hem of my dress.
It took all the decency I had left in me not to kiss her back until she got tired and just let herself fall against her pillows.
When I finally got her under the covers, I found her phone and opened her messaging app. I took a photo of Jackie sleeping in bed and sent it to the contact labeled “Pamie.”
She’s home safe.
Thank you so much!
The last time we were together, we’d agreed to keep things casual. I wasn’t ready for a relationship, and she wasn’t ready for a full serving of a bisexual woman.
We stayed in both our safe zones and it was fine. I was more than happy to be her constant booty call.
Being her pseudo emergency contact wasn’t part of the deal. Me cradling her cheek after tucking her hair away from her face wasn’t, either. But she didn’t have to worry about any of that until tomorrow—the latter, at all, ever.
I helped myself to some coffee and went home only when I was sure I was well enough to drive. I left a note stuck to her phone on her bedside table telling her to text her friends when she woke up.
Tonight had been more interesting than I anticipated.
Chi Yu Rodriguez has many feelings. Sometimes these feelings find their way to paper in the form of short stories and fiction online. Sometimes they don’t come out at all and end up as unresolved sexual tension or terrible internal angst.
She prefers making imaginary people go through these feelings for her pleasure. Her muses hate her for it, and they repay her by being forever fickle.
She wrestles with them in her head every day.
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