OMG! Here it is! So excited to post about this! Tada!!!
This is the cover of the new #HeistClub release, an anthology of 5 new short stories from 5 new #crimefic authors. We (the senior and original batch of workshop participants) opened the invitation over a year ago for those who want to write crime fiction in Philippine setting with Filipino characters. Ten individuals signed up, only five submitted finished manuscripts. And yeah, their stories are E-X-C-I-T-I-N-G af!
You can now (PH only) and opt to either have the book shipped to your address, or pick them up during the launch (see you there? *wink*). As of this writing, we’re still working on the Kindle version, so stay tuned.
Book launch is slated on 24 March 2018 at the Tweedle Book Cafe and you can learn more at our .
There is no entrance fee, but everyone is encouraged to order at least one drink just to cover the use of the venue. Tweedle Book Cafe serves coffee, juices, beer, and wine.
The launch is also a way for some authors to further an advocacy to help victims of crime, in this case, children/teenagers who have been abused (Marillac Hills). Profits from sale of some of the books will be for their benefit. #HeistClub also encourages attendees to donate cash or in kind. These kids need food (rice, canned goods, noodles, etc.), hygiene items (soap, shampoo, napkins, etc.), school supplies, and others.
Can’t wait for this to be available in the US. Does your story continue the Les Dames des Fleurs series because I am ready for more Rose!
Hey, Jen! There’s an excerpt here of Rose’s story, and I will get to release her book soon. This one is mostly for the new #HeistClub authors. There are excerpts for more books hopefully releasing within the year. Yay! And yup, working on the Kindle version. Should be up by launch day.